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The Truth About When Healing Actually Happens

Do you ‘uplevel’ by clearing the past or creating the future?

You know those days.

You’re in your head. Ungrounded. Running around like a ‘headless chook’ as they say.

One minute you’re rushing out the door and the next moment you’re gracelessly catapulted backward into the room like a human slingshot.

It’s a shock to the system. You’re forced to STOP.

What the hell just happened?

The sleeve of your chunky cardigan is caught on the door handle. Argh.

Have you ever felt like you’re making progress, moving forward and going to the ‘next level’ only to find yourself suddenly interrupted or worse, stuck?

The process of ‘uplevelling’ your vibration and clearing energy blocks along the way is rather like unhooking your chunky cardigan sleeve from a door handle.

But you’ll have to bear with me to find out how.


Here’s a question for you.

When you get stuck – with anything – a relationship conflict, a parenting problem, a career challenge – how do you go about dealing with it? Do you look forward or do you look back? Do you look towards what you do want, or do you try and identify what went wrong?

Take a moment to check in with your first response.

Are you attached to this being the ‘right way’ or the ‘wrong way’ to handle an issue?  

I believe there’s two teams out there when it comes to therapies and helping modalities.

There’s Team Heal the Past and there’s Team Create the Future. Sometimes battlelines get drawn. It can feel like you’re forced to choose.  

Let’s explore Team Heal the Past.

Many a client has come to me after years of therapy. They’ve talked about it and talked about it and…talked about it. With all the delving into their painful past they’ve had some great insights, they’re aware of their patterns and they feel more at peace with ‘what went down’. But. They’re still not sure how to move forward, or worse, they still feel stuck.

What about Team Create the Future?

Here’s where we meet the client who sees nothing to be gained from dredging up the past, and who would rather focus more intently on the positives and the future, ploughing energy into creating their desired outcome. But. Despite all their efforts, they’re not getting their desired outcome, and they feel frustrated and held back, or worse, they still feel stuck.

Both roads can still end in a roadblock. Interesting, isn’t it?

And when you meet that roadblock, if you continue to insist on following the same road, the more you stay stuck. Doggedly refusing to entertain that there may be something in your past that you need to ‘clean up’ in order to move forward, or madly clinging to your past patterns instead of claiming your new version of reality.


And so, back to the hole in your chunky cardigan.

As I see it, you can always rush forth, enthusiastically pursuing your dreams. Creating the new. And it feels wonderful. Until…your sleeve gets caught on the door. Something stops you dead in your tracks. Something pulls you back. It might be an old belief coming up, a memory resurfacing, or an engrained pattern or habit coming back for a visit.

Yet all these things from your past simply represent an old vibration. And this old vibration is a part of you that is not quite ready to ‘uplevel’ yet.  

At this point you have a choice to spend a moment (and yes, that is all it can take) to pause and unhook your sleeve. Which means, to identify and deal with the old vibration:

  • Sometimes you’ll find that the old vibration has some more insight to offer you

  • Sometimes it simply needs to be dusted off like a croissant crumb

  • Sometimes you need to tend to it, taking patience and care in the unhooking process because you’re dealing with delicate threads. Importantly, this healing is not self-indulgent, it’s simply necessary.

It makes sense to unhook what is holding you back before you can move forward safely. Yet this also doesn’t mean that if you’re hooked, you should:

  • Incessantly discuss or analyse the details of how or why you got hooked

  • Beat yourself up because you’re still hooked (‘I thought I’d dealt with this!’)

  • Beat yourself up because you didn’t see the hook coming (‘How did I miss this?!’)

  • Constantly complain about how difficult it is to unhook and rush to a support group for the ‘victims of hooked sleeves’

  • Keep searching for ALL ways that you might be hooked


If you get hooked, you get hooked. If it shows up, it shows up.

Most of us want to eliminate the fear of the unknown, clear all the blocks to moving forward and be assured of a smooth ride before we step out.

But sometimes you simply don’t know you’re going to get hooked until you try and move through a door. The old vibration simply isn’t ‘triggered’ until you’re on the brink of a breakthrough. That’s how uplevelling works.

All you can do is accept that you’re hooked and then you just gotta deal.

What does dealing look like?

It looks like being present, of course.

Which means:

  • Paying attention

  • Not making assumptions

  • Not judging yourself, or your body, or your problem

  • Observing what is happening without making yourself wrong

  • And finally – it means listening to your body, and its guidance.

  • Your body will tell you when you need to stop and unhook (and how best to do that) and also when you’re free to move forward (and how to best do that).

Sometimes boldly stepping into your future will instantly heal your past. And sometimes healing your past will instantly manifest your future. All you need to do is be open and present enough to listen to your body and intuit what it needs.

The truth is, the timing of your healing and your uplevelling is up to the Universe. It decides when you’re ‘good to go.’

But your body will always guide you towards this ‘good to go’ moment.

The worst thing you can do is ignore your body and continue to insist that you move forward whilst stubbornly attached to a particular approach or timeline. You might risk getting stuck and damaging a lot of chunky cardigans.


Energy Coaching is the wonderful meeting point for healing the past in the most efficient way and providing the safe space for your creative essence to inspire you towards what you want to manifest.

I should also mention this whammy: you don't even have to deal with linear time. You’re an energy being whom resides in the present moment. Everything you need is right here, right now.

In my experience, I have come to hypothesise that the past, present or future simply represents an access point in the subconscious database. It is helpful for ‘filing’ where a particular vibration which you need to release or reclaim resides. This vibration might be in your past, in a prior lifetime, or from your ancestral lineage. Importantly, your past might have a positive vibration you need to awaken and reclaim – it’s not always about clearing trauma! You might also need to access a vibration from a version of you in the future.

I don’t see linear time but instead I see a ‘spider’s web’ or a network of datapoints around you. Energy coaching enables you to access these datapoints, whether it is clearing the past or visualizing the future. What’s most important is that you maintain an openness and stop insisting that healing or growth can only occur in a certain way. The best results come when you are completely open to what your Body and the Universe is telling you and you trust that it knows what is in your highest good.

You can learn more about energy coaching here.