Are you primarily a wood person? See if you can connect with the element within you. Think about the qualities of wood - of the forest, the trees... How does it feel? How does it move? What does it do? What are its strengths?
Want Better Focus? Embrace Distraction
You’re probably used to blaming distractions for your lack of productivity. Instead of trying to eliminate distractions from your life, it’s time to understand the role distraction is playing for you. Is it possible that distractions are here to help you master your energy? To break a circuit of pressure, control or disempowerment. To stop DOING and PUSHING all the time and embrace the downtime you need to focus and be productive.
Seven Surprising Signs You're a Water Element Person
The 3 Things You Need to do to Stop Ignoring Your Inner Knowing
It’s so easy to forget when you’re in the intellectual pursuit of information that the body already knows the answer. The intellect is fumbling in the dark and playing catch-up while the body patiently waits for it to ‘discover’ its inner workings. It’s a total game-changer to realise that your ignorance is an illusion. To recognise that you are telling yourself that you don’t know, when the truth is, you do know.
You Can't Flow without the Faff
You Can’t Flow Without the Faff
Is embracing your Feminine Faffer the stress relief you’ve been looking for?
spend time in ineffectual activity.
”we can’t faff around forever”
a great deal of ineffectual activity.
”there was the usual faff of getting back to the plane””
Faffing about.
A delightful English saying.
Although it can lose its element of delight when my husband impatiently instructs me to ‘STOP FAFFING AROUND.’
Which he is known to do when I’m aimlessly deliberating about what to wear and/or have decided to cut my toenails or rearrange the kitchen cupboard prior to us needing leave the house to go somewhere.
What can I say? I’m a Faffer. An expert Faffer.
It’s weird because I can also be extremely organised, highly motivated, and super-productive.
But when a Faff-Attack hits, it hits hard.
I can’t make a decision to save my life – whether to wash my hair, what to wear, what to eat, what to tackle first on the to-do list…it all gets too much. I end up losing the will to brush my teeth and instead start purchasing unneeded consumer goods from Instagram advertisements.
Can you relate?
What is that all about?
I started out this year (as well as this email) wanting to be FAFF-FREE.
No more faffing. Faff no more!
I vowed to stop procrastinating. To stop being so wishy-washy. To stop wasting time.
I vowed to be decisive. Assertive. Efficient. Productive.
Well, 2024 is barely three weeks old and those vows have gone to shit.
I should’ve known this. Seen it coming.
If you try to ruthlessly eliminate the faff, it’s inevitable that you’re going to get ‘faff-back’.
This is energetic push-back - comprised of a rebellious tantrum, a stubborn refusal to participate in ANY task that might remotely lead to a productive outcome and a paralysing stand-off between you and your INNER FAFFER. That part of you that LOVES faffing. That NEEDS faffing.
Your INNER FAFFER has no interest in being driven, and ambitious or industrious. It could not care less about a completed to-do list item. It laughs in the face of an incomplete tax return. It is deadline-immune.
Your INNER FAFFER wants ZERO pressure and has no desire for an OUTCOME.
How ridiculous is that?
It is ridiculous, isn’t it?
I mean, we should all be pressuring ourselves to achieve outcomes, all the time, non-stop…
Are you having the second thoughts I’m having?
I’m thinking your INNER FAFFER could be kinda helpful. Kinda WHAT YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR.
Your INNER FAFFER brings the gift of rest. The freedom to play, to daydream and imagine all the wonderful things you want to do with your life…the care-free ability to go where the mood takes you...
This is all sounding more and more like the DIVINE FEMININE to me. The YIN GODDESS you’ve been attending somatic workshops to commune with.
And yet…we’re trying to eliminate her! 😲
No wonder it’s not working. You know what happens when the Masculine tries to stamp out the Feminine….
You want flow?
It’s simple. You gotta get down with the faffing.
Faffing and floating about is the Yin to the Yang of action and productivity.
If you feel impatient and frustrated by your INNER FAFFER, you’re probably cursing it, you know, accusing it of being lazy and useless. STOP IT. You never liked it when your parents labelled you lazy and chastised you for resting on the couch – so stop doing it to yourself. Now.
Make it a choice to faff – so it doesn’t feel like it’s out of control. It’s a logical, common-sense approach to your energy. There is part of you that needs to be free. To float, to dream, to go wild. Embrace the benefits of faffing (relaxation, rejuvenation, creativity, space for inspiration to name a few) and ENJOY its necessary and fruitful place in the world. Completely trust that Faffing is part of you getting wherever you need to be.
Let the Faff in. And Let the Flow begin.
21 of My Most-Memorable Applications of Energy Medicine
Energy medicine techniques are the simple actions you can take to look after yourself and your body. Without needing the help of anyone or anything else. Here are 21 real-life examples of how energy medicine has helped me and my clients. Demonstrating the very real and practical ways in which these techniques can bring relief, alleviation, and liberation from small niggly stressors to larger life-altering upsets.
The Beautiful Relationship Between your Suffering and Self-Sufficiency
The Only Effective Way to Deal with Comparisons that Kill Your Confidence
Are you the 'perfect' empath? The link between emotional sensitivity & perfectionism
Being connected to your purpose, not your problems, allows healing to happen. You stay sick. You keep repeating stress cycles. You get stuck in survival mode. Because you’re fixated on fixing. Mistakenly believing that you’re broken. What if your healing journey is simply waiting for you to move to the next phase? To allow yourself to take the next evolutionary step. To embrace your purpose.
Want to improve your psychic powers? Stop prioritising the practical
Being connected to your purpose, not your problems, allows healing to happen. You stay sick. You keep repeating stress cycles. You get stuck in survival mode. Because you’re fixated on fixing. Mistakenly believing that you’re broken. What if your healing journey is simply waiting for you to move to the next phase? To allow yourself to take the next evolutionary step. To embrace your purpose.
A simple definition of a sabotage: arguing with the flow
Are you Fixated on Fixing your Brokenness?
Being connected to your purpose, not your problems, allows healing to happen. You stay sick. You keep repeating stress cycles. You get stuck in survival mode. Because you’re fixated on fixing. Mistakenly believing that you’re broken. What if your healing journey is simply waiting for you to move to the next phase? To allow yourself to take the next evolutionary step. To embrace your purpose.
Do you Panic that you're not where you SHOULD be?
Being connected to your path, not your programs, brings you peace. It seems that we’re all suffering from this ‘straggle shame’. The constant comparison with others, the nagging anxiety that you’re falling behind, the embarrassment that you’re not further along your path, and the critical judgement that you’re not where you should be. Your straggle shame has the power to lead you down a path you don’t want to go. When you take responsibility for consciously choosing to own your purpose, to honour your own path and embrace your own pace in following it - there is no such thing as straggling. There is no such thing as hiding. There is no such thing as not being where you should be.
Is the need to know where you’re going getting you off track?
Being connected to your destiny, not your destination, keeps you centred. It is your purpose that anchors you with a sense of safety and stability. When you shift your awareness away from the changing environment to the unchangeable essence within you, your sense of equilibrium is restored. Your purpose is your CALLING. And when you connect with your calling, your PATH CALLS YOU. It is your purpose that gives you clarity about what you are CALLED to do and where you are CALLED to go. You are shown the direction you need to take by your inner guidance system.
Is the Pressure to Be Positive Causing your Procrastination Problem?
Being connected to your purpose, not your positivity, is the key to progress. Your purpose is not a slavedriver, dictator or bootcamp instructor. It won’t pressure you into productivity and it won’t enforce crazy conditions. It will, however, offer you a sense of connection and centredness that guides and encourages you to act, whether you feel good or not.
3 Ways to Deal with Negative Emotions and It Starts with Having a Tantrum
Allowing Negative Attitudes and Feelings to Happen
Positive thinking, it can really screw you over. When you’re in the middle of a meltdown how do you feel when someone tries to persuade you to look at the positive or to be positive? Do you thank them and say ‘yes you’re right, how silly of me, let’s chant an affirmation’? NO - you want to tell them to shut the $#@% up and shove their positivity where the sun definitely isn’t shining…
Stop the Ride I want to Get Off!
Bust the Top 8 Myths Stopping you from Living your Life Purpose Right Now
It should be simple to be your true self, shouldn't it?
However, you've been conditioned to value effort within a paradigm that has you working hard to earn things, struggling to feel deserving, and constantly striving to improve. And so, you end up viewing your life purpose as a project to be completed - something that has to be achieved.
This way of viewing your life purpose is exactly why you might feel stuck.
It is possible to live in a way that honours your true nature, brings you meaning, purpose and joy and which doesn’t leave you feeling like you are not enough or there is something missing. Living your purpose can be effortless.