The Journeyer will not rest until they find the answers they seek.
All journeys start with a single question - a ‘quest.’ The Journeyer has an innate knowing that there is something deeper, bigger, more significant at play in their lives. The Journeyer wants the ‘truth’ and they know that it is this truth that holds the key to their purpose, fulfilment and freedom. And they seek this truth with unwavering commitment, curiosity and courage.
You want to change.
You have experienced a catalyst for change. An unfixable problem. You have a burning question. You want to know why. You’ve launched the quest for answers.
You want to know how you can resolve your problem. For good.
You’re not interested in band-aid solutions.
You’re frustrated by the 10-point steps offered on infographics.
You’re curious about the root cause of your problem and intuitively suspect there is a deeper meaning behind it.
You’re searching.
You may have just started, or you may have been searching for a while. You may have spent years trying to fight, fix or flee your problem.
Your mind has opened, and you can’t go back.
You want the deeper truth.
You want clarity.
You want resolution.
You want transformation.
You’re evolving.
Your search is your calling.
It’s been leading you to the ‘light,’ calling you to evolve into the person you are here to be. You have the courage to follow this path and take the leap of faith necessary to own your destiny.
Yet sometimes, you feel alone. You wonder if you’re crazy. You wonder if you’re fooling yourself. You still carry around the nagging feeling that there is something wrong with you.