Energy Coaching Sessions are difficult to explain. There is nothing quite like Kinesiology. And nothing can ever prepare you for your first session. It’s quite simply mind-blowing. I’ve done my best to explain it over the years, but my best advice is to experience it for yourself. Chances are that you are here because a friend has told you to try it, or you have tried everything else and you’re desperate! That’s usually what brings people to sessions. You won’t need anything for your first session except yourself, an open mind, and a genuine desire to change. Your subconscious and the Universe will do the rest.
While sessions can be used for just about anything – these are the most typical areas I work with:
Re-Connecting with your Self
Improving your relationship with your body, resolving long-standing health issues, deepening your intuition, listening to your body and Heart and how it can help you navigate your life.
Finding and Living your Life Purpose
Identifying your skills and talents and understanding how you can apply them, recognising the unique secret to your success, clearing the path for success (releasing hidden resistance and sabotages).
Creating your Essential Life
Living from your ‘core’ (essence) and realigning your life choices and lifestyle with your essential self (instead of your past experiences and programming).
Staying your Self
Boosting and maintaining your energy levels, staying true to your Self, setting good energy boundaries and staying grounded and with optimum vitality as you help or serve others.
Visit me in Beautiful Blackwood.
My clinic is nestled amidst the trees in the Wombat State Forest, situated approximately 85kms North-West of Melbourne. (It’s worth the drive!)
Connect with me on Zoom.
I often get asked if Energy Coaching (and Kinesiology testing) ‘works’ or is just as effective online. The answer is YES!
Coaching Journeys
Letting go of the Quick Fix.
Initially I resisted the urge to use such a cliche term as ‘journey’, but the truth is, we need to reclaim it. It’s time to stop trying to ‘get it all’ and ‘get it now’. It’s time to appreciate the art of the apprenticeship. It’s OK if you don’t know what you want. It’s OK if you don’t know what you need. It’s OK if you don’t know what your purpose is. It’s OK if you don’t know who you are. Take your time and have fun in the discovery process. Let it unfold. Journeys are gentle and deep explorations of self-discovery. They require you to seek clarity, to be curious and to exercise self-compassion. They are not about quick fixes but deep resolutions. Each journey is a path of integration: of the body (the subconscious mind and inner child), of the mind (the intellect and the adult) and the heart (the super-conscious mind and the spirit).
Giving yourself the Space.
Over the years I have learned how important it is to have a safe and trusting space to do energy work. To create a safe space I believe you need two things:
A Commitment to yourself and your Inner Child
A Container to hold you.
I have come to realise that one of the most important aspects of my job is to help provide a safe and nurturing space and to share in the joys of exploration. I have created these coaching packages to enable you to commit to yourself and create the time and space you need to do the transformational work your Heart is guiding you to.
Current Energy Coaching Journeys:
Year of
12-Month Subscription
Create Your Essential Life
6 x Sessions
4 x Sessions
Are you a Kinesiologist looking to feel supported on your journey and seeking to enhance your personal and professional development?
Are you a therapist seeking to learn Kinesiology and integrate it into your practice?
Belinda has a passion to share many of things she has learned (often the hard way!) in her 15 years experience of being a practicing Kinesiologist. Belinda established a thriving clinic in Melbourne, working collaboratively with an Acupuncturist and Naturopath before moving to regional Victoria and building her 'dream clinic.' Belinda now enjoys a mixed business model seeing clients in-person and online. Establishing an online business required her to incorporate the use of Kinesiology with more of a coaching approach. Belinda also uses Kinesiology for group online coaching programs, day retreats, distance healings. She's also got a few animals, businesses and even boats on the books!
The types of things covered in Belinda's Mentoring Sessions include:
Developing and improving your Kinesiology skills (technical questions)
Boosting your confidence, dealing with self-doubt,identifying your own personal strengths, owning your style and adapting your methodology to enhance your authenticity (self-development questions)
Working with clients, tricky scenarios, managing energy boundaries (practical questions and troubleshooting)
Marketing, communications and messaging, building a client base etc., (business development questions)
Different and creative applications for Kinesiology that you can use as Business Offerings (innovation questions)
Maintaining the energy of you and your business, how to use self-testing to clear your blocks, develop your strategy and generally run your business (business/self development questions)
Belinda currently covers mentoring in group or one-on-one sessions in-person or online.