The art of curious journalling and courageous self-enquiry.



Have your self-sabotaging behaviours become so familiar, so engrained, that they’ve taken on a life of their own?

It’s like they’ve turned into real people.👩🧓👩‍🦰👩‍🦳🧔‍♂️

Annoying people.

People that pop up uninvited at the worst times.

People that kill the vibe, bring you down and drain your energy.

People that wreck your stuff, waste your time, and refuse to leave you alone.   

People that gate crash important events, hold you back from success, delay, derail, or even destroy your plans and dreams, and wreak havoc in your personal relationships.

It’s like they can sniff out when you’re on the brink of something amazing and they just want to stop you from flowing and flourishing in any way.

They are sooo frustrating. 😫

And so, over the years, you’ve sought help. You’ve tried to ‘heal’ them with therapists, you’ve tried to ‘hack’ them with the advice of 5-step infographics and you’ve tried to ‘handle’ them with short-cut strategies.

And what has happened?

They’ve gotten stronger. 😦

It’s like they’ve fed off your resistance and feasted on your frustration!

And now.

You’re in a power struggle with these Problem People.

You feel POWERLESS to your own sabotaging behaviours.

This is why it is time for a new approach.

It’s time to drop the resistance, release your frustration and claim your power back.

Your Problem People are part of your journey to own your purpose and claim your power.

They have a role to play. But until you learn to play nicely with them, the power struggle will continue.

Your Problem People will continue to party uncontrollably in your head and prevent you from living your life (and your purpose) in ways that bring you peace, joy, abundance, fulfilment, success, and freedom.   


The Path of Purpose is a 5-week journey of self-transformation.


Over the course of 5 jam-packed Virtual Workshops you will use the power of your own subconscious to uncover the answers to your life purpose.


Your transformation awaits! at the end of this journey you will:

  • No longer feel lost, stuck or confused

  • Have no more need for pressure, perfectionism and procrastination

  • Stop feeling overwhelmed or powerless about your life’s direction

  • Have perfect clarity about who you are and what you are here to do

  • Feel connected to your self and your calling

  • Be confident in your value, your contribution and place in the world

  • Be empowered to make decisions that honour yourself and the path that is right for you

  • Open to the guidance from your higher self while feeling safe and in ‘calm control’

  • Know exactly what you need to support yourself and nurture your dreams

  • Trust in your abilities and be proud of who you are

  • Be free of striving, stress and struggle!





Get clarity on your Purpose, Mission and the Skills and Talents you must own and use…NOW.

Kinesiology & Guided Visualisation will help you discover:

  • How to define your Life Purpose

  • Your own purpose, mission, the talents, and abilities you must own and use

  • The barriers you face in owning and living your purpose

  • How to get clarity and attune to your purpose

A Personalised Kinesiology-tested report will tell you:

  • Your Life Path Number

  • Your purpose, talents and qualities

  • The archetypes and crystal to work with



build confidence and trust in knowing that you are worthy of living your purpose, the life you want to live and the life you were born to live.

Kinesiology & Guided Visualisation will help you discover:

  • The blocks and limiting conditions to living your purpose

  • How to release these conditions  

  • The barriers you face in owning and living your purpose

  • How to get attune to your Inner Light

A Personalised Kinesiology-tested report will tell you:

  • Your greatest fear

  • What your Heart wants you to surrender to

  • What support will help you navigate darkness

  • A message from your Heart and the flower to work with



stay committed to your path and deal with resistance by connecting more deeply with your values, priorities and personal style.

Kinesiology & Energy Healing will help you discover:

  • Your core values, guiding principles and personal purpose style

  • How to stay the path without resistance or extremes

  • How to release the ‘mental grip’ and surrender to your Divine purpose

A Personalised Kinesiology-tested report will tell you:

  • What awaits you when you surrender to your path

  • What you must stay true to

  • What helps you to be you

  • The Tarot Archetype and Tree to work with



receive the abundance that flows to you as you walk your path of purpose by dealing proactively with the fear of vulnerability, connecting with your Inner Child and dealing with boundaries and backlash.

Kinesiology & Energy Healing will help you discover:

  • Connection with your your Inner Child, your specific success strategy and vulnerability buffer shield

  • The relationship between support and success and giving and receiving and how to balance these important energies in the body

  • How to set boundaries and deal with backlash

A Personalised Kinesiology-tested report will tell you:

  • Your gift to the world

  • What your Inner Child wants you to know

  • What protects you on your path

  • Your secret recipe for success and what essential oil to work with