Relaxation is not a Reward.


Do you resist rest?

Do you ‘allow’ yourself to relax only once you get your all your work done?

(and yet, it never seems to get done!)

Do you label yourself as ‘lazy’ when you ‘do nothing’?

And yet…you’re exhausted.

You’re tired. All. The. Time.

You’re always in energy deficit.

Your niggling health symptoms linger, you’re often cranky and on edge.

And then…when you finally get a moment’s rest…

Your mind won’t switch off.

You can’t relax.

And let’s not even get started about how GUILTY you feel when you DO NOTHING!


It’s time to stop this madness! Or at least stop the habitual and addictive cycle of exhaustion. That’s right - addictive. There’s a good reason you cannot allow yourself to relax. But Dorothy, you won’t believe it unless you go on a little journey with me…


GRAB YOUR RUBY SLIPPERS AND Join me for a 90-minute online workshop to detox your subconscious resistance to the deep and nourishing rest you need to truly replenish your energy levels and restore your vitality. 


This workshop is for you if…👉

…you’re tired ALL the time. And no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake that nagging feeling of fatigue.

…you feel guilty if you sit down (or god forbid, lay down and nap!) during the daytime, or perhaps any time!

…as soon as you sit down your mind is nagging you with all the things you ‘should’ be doing.

…when you do finally get into bed at night your mind is racing at a million miles an hour.

…you get sick when you go on holiday. Always.

…you can’t relax until you’ve done all your chores. But the chores never seem to get done. It’s never-ending!

…you feel like resting is being ‘lazy’ and doing nothing is ‘wasteful.’

…you’ve struggled to recover from bouts of illness, it’s like your cold or flu always ‘lingers’ around for longer than it should.

…you’re often so exhausted that even the restful self-care activities feel like too much effort.

In this workshop you will… 👉

  • Acknowledge the importance of rest as a physiological, emotional and spiritual state of being equal to that of action and productivity.

  • Identify why you find it challenging to rest and why restful activities often fail to alleviate your exhaustion.

  • Understand how you have become trapped in a cycle of over-doing and exhaustion and why this habit so difficult to break.

  • Detox the subconscious programming that keeps you in resistance to rest and stuck in a state of exhaustion.

  • Create a support plan to help you break the habit of exhaustion.

  • Perform an energy medicine technique to assist the body to drop into rest.

At the end of this workshop you will… 👉

Let yourself rest!  💆‍♀️

Stop treating rest as a reward that you can only have after you’ve earned it. You’ll truly appreciate the value of rest, not as a reward for your work, but as integral aspect of the flow of your vital energy.

Break the habit of exhaustion 🙅‍♀️

At the end of this workshop, you’ll have the foundation you need to break the habit of exhaustion. You’ll have detoxed the subconscious resistance preventing you from enjoying the deep and nourishing rest you need to truly replenish your energy levels and restore your vitality. 

I’ll be your host 👉

Belinda Morris - Expert Rest-Avoider

They say you teach what you most need to learn. I have found this to be true.

But at the risk of appearing to be the rest-less lady who helps people allow themselves to rest, I do believe I can help.

I’ve been energy coaching and working with the mind-body connection for nearly 15 years now. I’ve worked with A LOT of beautiful clients who burn themselves out because they don’t allow themselves to relax – until all the work is done.

In addition to this – this workshop is a personal passion for me. Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (the reason I ended up in this amazing job) has taught me a thing or two hundred and twenty-two about all the ways we resist rest.

This resistance is rarely conscious! The inability to relax is a result of your subconscious programming. If you are serious about healing from anything, you need rest. You need to know how to drop your nervous system into a deep state of relaxation where healing can take place. I’m passionate about this topic because I see so many of us ‘working away’ at our health and wellbeing goals, and without the ability to rest, these efforts are totally wasted. And not in a good fun night out kinda way!

What you’ll get 👇



A Kinesiology- tested report outlining your unique ‘Recipe for Rest’


Even if you attend live, you’ll receive a downloadable recording of the 90 Minute presentation


1 x audio version of the workshop (90 mins)

1 x guided meditation (15 mins)


PDF workbook to do the exercises


An open mind, an open heart and a some warm fuzzy feelings

Are you ready to release the resistance?


The details 👉



*Includes personalised Kinesiology-tested report, made available in the session if you attend live or emailed with recording.