In the last issue we discussed Energy Medicine and the way in which the quantum world views everything as ‘energy’ and considers human beings to be dynamic energy systems who constantly interact with the numerous energetic forces in their environment. If we accept (or are at least open to accepting) Einstein’s premise that all physical matter, sound, light, and our bodies are really just made up of vibrating waves of energy, then it seems reasonable to assume that our thoughts are also just another form of energy.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and Doctor of Alternative Medicine, through his experiments with water crystals, has produced some proof that thoughts and emotions do have an energetic effect that can influence our physical reality. After conducting years of extensive research into water around the planet, Emoto realised that water expresses itself in a huge variety of ways. Using a powerful microscope and high-speed photography Emoto beganphotographing the water crystals formed in frozen water samples. What he found was astonishing.
Not all water samples produced similar crystals or even formed water crystals. In water samples from polluted rivers and tap water in major cities, crystals were deformed or failed to form, yet in water samples from natural springs, glaciers and underground rivers, complete, often stunningly beautiful crystals formed.
You Make Me Sick
Thank You
Emoto didn’t stop there, he decided to experiment further with some ideas out of left field. Emoto exposed water to the vibrations of music. The water exposed to Mozart’s 40th Symphony created beautiful, well-formed crystals, while water exposed to violent heavy metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals. Next he experimented with what would happen if he wrote words or phrases on pieces of paper and wrapped them around the water with the words facing in. The results showed that the water changed its expression. Again, the negative words and phrases failed to produce crystals while positive phrases created beautiful crystals (pictured).
Emoto essentially discovered that water has the ability to copy and memorise information, it responds to the vibrations around it and retains this information. So how does this discovery prove how our thoughts impact our body and our health?
The average human body is made up of around 70% water. We start life being 99% water as foetuses and when we’re born we’re about 90% water. For most of our lives, we exist mostly as water. Water serves as the transporter of energy throughout the body. If the vibrations of music and words have the power to change the structure of water, then our thought vibrations have the power to change the structure of our bodies. What we think is literally flowing through our body – wouldn’t you rather have beautiful crystalline water flowing through your body?
Source: Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water, 198