
3 Ways to Deal with Negative Emotions and It Starts with Having a Tantrum

3 Ways to Deal with Negative Emotions and It Starts with Having a Tantrum

Allowing Negative Attitudes and Feelings to Happen

Positive thinking, it can really screw you over. When you’re in the middle of a meltdown how do you feel when someone tries to persuade you to look at the positive or to be positive? Do you thank them and say ‘yes you’re right, how silly of me, let’s chant an affirmation’? NO - you want to tell them to shut the $#@% up and shove their positivity where the sun definitely isn’t shining…

I'm All Grown Up, Who Do I Want to Be?

Is There a Conflict Between Who You Think You Should Be and Who You Are?

A few issues ago we discussed healing the relationship between the mind and the body. We explored how we rely heavily on the ‘mind’ to determine our identity – our   ‘idea’ of ourselves. It is usually the mind that ‘calls the shots’ and maintains our identity by dictating our choices, actions and behaviours. But the body and its senses, feelings and intuitions often has very different ideas about who and what we are. This difference of opinion can result in anything from a niggling source of dissatisfaction or discontentment to a full-blown inner conflict about our life purpose and choices.