Positive Thinking

Is the need to know where you’re going getting you off track?

Is the need to know where you’re going getting you off track?

Being connected to your destiny, not your destination, keeps you centred. It is your purpose that anchors you with a sense of safety and stability. When you shift your awareness away from the changing environment to the unchangeable essence within you, your sense of equilibrium is restored. Your purpose is your CALLING. And when you connect with your calling, your PATH CALLS YOU. It is your purpose that gives you clarity about what you are CALLED to do and where you are CALLED to go. You are shown the direction you need to take by your inner guidance system.

Is the Pressure to Be Positive Causing your Procrastination Problem?

Is the Pressure to Be Positive Causing your Procrastination Problem?

Being connected to your purpose, not your positivity, is the key to progress. Your purpose is not a slavedriver, dictator or bootcamp instructor. It won’t pressure you into productivity and it won’t enforce crazy conditions. It will, however, offer you a sense of connection and centredness that guides and encourages you to act, whether you feel good or not.

3 Ways to Deal with Negative Emotions and It Starts with Having a Tantrum

3 Ways to Deal with Negative Emotions and It Starts with Having a Tantrum

Allowing Negative Attitudes and Feelings to Happen

Positive thinking, it can really screw you over. When you’re in the middle of a meltdown how do you feel when someone tries to persuade you to look at the positive or to be positive? Do you thank them and say ‘yes you’re right, how silly of me, let’s chant an affirmation’? NO - you want to tell them to shut the $#@% up and shove their positivity where the sun definitely isn’t shining…